Monday, April 26, 2010

Caveat Lectores on Political Action Committees

The Lector may not be too smart but smart enough to see a good thing when it pops across the screen. I am starting a new PAC. The name will be Caveat ME PAC. The purpose will be to support things that I really support… ME.

Caveat ME PAC will appeal to anyone who wishes to influence government by sending checks to someone who claims the ability to do so. I was a lobbyist in a prior life and teach lobbying skills to others. I know how to lobby and have much experience organizing political campaigns for candidates who do not win.

Caveat ME PAC will claim to support and lobby for anything for which a donor is willing to pay. Caveat ME PAC will specialize in hopeless cases, worthless causes, trivial issues and generally anything that should never become legislation. Failure will be automatic, but it really is the effort and thought that counts. Right?
• Caveat ME PAC will champion the ultra conservative right wing causes.
• Caveat ME PAC will be against government. All government is bad. Right?
• Caveat ME PAC will be for business. All business is good. Right?
• Caveat ME PAC will be for the right to work without the bonds of corrupt labor unions. Right?
• Caveat ME PAC will be for Jesus. Conservative and Christian go together. Right?
• Caveat ME PAC will be for iron barred borders that keep pesky immigrants out. Right?
• Caveat ME PAC will be in favor of the good old days. Right?
• Caveat ME PAC will spend lots of money raising more money. Oh Yeah!
• Caveat ME PAC will make its donors proud by spending every cent donated without any oversight. The way it should be.

Ok, this may not be a new idea. But, if it works for Tea Baggers and RePuPs, it may finance the renovation of the Devil’s Neck Convention Center. Send checks made out to Mr. Cash.

And Oh yes, Have a Nice Day?


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