Monday, March 28, 2011

Caveat Lectores on the American Dream 3-28-2011

The new American Dream is what is keeping the American Dream from being a reality. Today’s American Dream has changed over the years. There was a time when The American Dream was “a national ethos of the United States in which freedom includes a promise of the possibility of prosperity and success.” In the definition of the American Dream by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.

The idea of the American Dream has roots in the United States Declaration of Independence which proclaims that "all men are created equal" and that they are "endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights" including "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

All that is fine and good, but somewhere along the way we got the idea that becoming rich was the American Dream. As the middle class developed, more and more people took “the possibility of prosperity and success” to mean they too could be rich with just a little luck and maybe some hard work. Many felt that luck had more to do with wealth than work.

I recently read something that stated most poor people think they are just one good deal away from getting rich. The investment hucksters in the media and internet make it sound like all you will have to do to climb up from the masses is to open an investment account and wait for the wealth to just appear. Since nobody wants to be middle class anymore, we do not care if it is destroyed.

Well here is some news for you. Yes, we do not have legal barriers that will totally preclude you form amassing wealth. Yes, you will probably never be wealthy no matter what you do and the wealthy are working at making sure you never are wealthy. You see wealth is for the wealthy. Not you and me. When we become wealthy or even financially successful, it takes money away from those who are already wealthy. They do not like that.

Donald Trump, the Koch brothers and nearly every other really wealthy person you will ever know about does not want the masses to have great wealth. It will not work. There is a level wealth between us and the wealthy that push back when we try to invade their territory. They are the nouveau riche, the wannabees and the politicians who are the sycophants and lap dogs of the wealthy. They do the dirty work of the wealthy to keep us away from the prize. They now want to marginalize us even more. BOHICA

And oh yes, have a nice Day?


Caveat Lectores by Jeff Carnes

Read at your own risk. 10,000 plus readers in 576 Cities, 46 States and 23 Countries

Lectores Labor Consulting 813-240-8165

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Caveat Lectores on March 26, 2011

Most of the effort going into Caveat Lectores occurs on Saturdays. Monday-Fridays are supposed to be for labor attorney work and teaching at USF. On Saturday mornings, I usually read the papers with E/S along with a cup or three of coffee. When the caffeine kicks in, it is off to the word processor to bang out some syllables for the masses to consume and to relieve my blood pressure.

Sometimes, I get writer’s block and nothing comes out. Other times, the old brain is on overload from all the total bullshit that needs addressing. Today is one of those Saturdays.

I am so angry and frustrated with practically every facet of the world that I call mine I cannot get started. I do not know if it is writer’s block or a meltdown. Maybe it would feel a little better if it were a simple attack of schizophrenia. That can be treated to some extent with drugs and therapy. Drugs, whether legal or not, will not fix the problems we are facing. If I thought they would, I would sink into a drug induced coma until this blows over but that will not happen. The world may blow up but this insanity will not blow over.

WTF has happened is beyond my full comprehension. I am simply not smart enough to grasp it all, and I am kinda smart or so I thought.

This Rant will be broadcast to the whole world but will only examine the craziness in Floriduh. Much of it will translate to other states and countries with only a little bit of extrapolation.

The Floriduh Legislature is in session and nobody is safe except the wealthy. These are not disorganized random acts of legislative terrorism upon the general public. There is a plan. You are watching democracy fail before your very eyes.
• The poor and elderly are taking hits to medical care.
• Teachers and public education are being ravaged.
• Fire and police employees are in danger.
• Public employee unions are targeted for extinction.
• Public pensions are at risk.
• Environmental protection is on the hit list.
• The unemployed will suffer even more.
• All business regulation is under attack.
• More and more public school funds are being sent to private schools.
• Female reproductive rights are in jeopardy.
• Public not for profit hospitals are in trouble.

Let me be a little more specific:

•Most Floriduh state employees will now be required to submit to random drug testing for no reason other than the governor’s perverse curiosity to see what is in their body fluids. Naturally, tax payers will pay a private company to do this. Never mind that this has already been found unconstitutional. I have not seen the Executive Order, but there are a lot of issues this brings up that are not easily addressed in such a blanket mandate. Drug testing is a mandatory subject of bargaining, and Scott has not made that illegal YET.
• The Floriduh House of Representatives voted to make it illegal to deduct voluntary union dues from a public employee’s paycheck. Maybe the Floriduh Senate will recognize this is a mandatory subject of bargaining before enacting an unconstitutional law.
• Last year, former Floriduh Governor Crist vetoed a bill allowing politicians to create new campaign finance accounts within the political parties where they could raise unlimited contributions year-round; even during the legislative session. These “leadership funds” are currently banned in Floriduh, but legislators have been using the political parties to get around the ban. On Thursday, both houses of the republican controlled legislature voted to override Crist’s veto and Floriduh’s politicians now have new and extremely powerful avenues to raise special interest campaign money. BOHICA
• House Bill 7129 called “The Community Planning Act” would essentially “gut” state growth management requirements for cities and counties. It would undercut the rights of citizens to appeal inappropriate local government planning decisions, weaken the ability of local governments to charge developers for the costs of new roads and schools, allow large-scale development without any certainty that conservation lands will be preserved and seriously curtail state review of local plan amendments.

You will notice I avoided any mention of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, big oil, Obamacare, Darfur, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi and most of the things I cited in a past Rants such as: Wing Nuts (left and right), Tea Baggers, Right Wing Conservatives, Ku Klux Klan, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Moral Majority, Dixiecrats, Racists, Sexists, feminists, Gay Baiters, Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, McCarthyism, Fascism, Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Fundamentalists, Neo-Cons, Supply Side Economics, Trickledown Economics, Social Conservatism, Contract With America, Creationism, Anyone Named Jeb Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Peroutka, Jim Quinn, Dennis Miller, Ben Ferguson, Lars Larson, Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy, Laura Ingraham, Mike Church, Mark Levin, Michael Savage, Larry Elder, Kim Peterson, Neal Boortz, Michael Reagan, Jason Lewis And Ken Hamblin, John Burch Society, Koch brothers, Compassionate Conservatism, Common Sense Conservative, Conservative Talk, Constitution Party, Neo-conservatism, New Right, Old Right, Reactionary, Reagan Doctrine, Tea Party Movement, Traditionalist Conservatism, United States Republican Party, RPOF, Neoconservatism And Paleoconservatism, American Enterprise Institute, The American Spectator , Cato Institute, Chronicles Magazine, City Journal, First Things, Freedom Works, Humanitas, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Leadership Institute, Modern Age, National Review Policy Review, Project For A New American Century, The American Conservative, The Heritage Foundation, The Weekly Standard, Townhall.Com, Florida League of Cities, War, Hawks and Doves.

If you voted for these right wing nut job tea bagger scoundrels in the Floriduh legislature, you deserve what you are getting, but I did not vote for a one of them and do not deserve the abuse.

If you did not vote at all, you have failed yourself and should have to feel the pain even more. BOHICA

And oh yes, have a nice Day?


Caveat Lectores by Jeff Carnes
Read at your own risk. 10,000 plus Readers in 576 Cities, 47 States and 23 Countries

Lectores Labor Consulting 813-240-8165

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Caveat Lectores on Changes at the Devil’s Neck


There is so much turmoil out here; the Lector does not know where to start in the effort to solve ALL the problems of the world. Rather than making any real effort to craft a positive impact, I think I will concentrate on the truly important subject of coming attractions at the Devil’s Neck Convention Center.

As you may know, the DNCC has not been a huge financial success, largely because no one has flocked to the DNCC in droves. Apparently, ALL of you feel the DNCC is a spoof on management seminars and retreats. Well, nothing could be further from erroneous.

The DNCC board has decided to change the focus to something a little more somber (profitable).

ANNOUNCING, the April 1, 2011, Grand Opening of Dr. Hooby Boo’s Tea Bagger Asylum (TBA).

Since the State of Florida is intent on privatizing health care for the elderly and poor. We will be positioned just right to take advantage of the windfall for those willing to make promises they cannot keep but at a profit. The pleasant atmosphere and friendly folks at TBA will be a much needed respite for the mentally deranged right wing nutjobs and tea baggers when they begin to see the folly of their quest to destroy government. Tea baggers get old too and very few of them are wealthy.

The new location of TBA is very, very near the former site of the DNCC. A coat of paint and a few landscaping additions and no one will recognize the place. Hell, no one saw it before.

What we need now are investors to complete the process (scam). The state will pay us a daily stipend to keep the tea baggers in quiet solitude (confinement). This cannot lose.

We are also planning an on-site mortuary to take care of the increase in the need for funeral services that will emerge as we deny healthcare to those who cannot pay. Whoever said health care rationing was bad for business is a fool. Dr. Hooby Boo is a mortician.

Call 1-555-UBN-DUPD for more details on how you too can become a zillionaire.

And oh yes, have a nice Day?


Caveat Lectores by Jeff Carnes
Read at your own risk. Over 10,000 Readers in 576 Cities, 47 States and 28 Countries

Lectores Labor Consulting 813-240-8165

Caveat Lectores on Facebook

Do the Lector a favor: If you like the stuff we post, share it on your Facebook profile by clicking the "Share" link under the item you like. Also, please use the "Suggest to Friends" link below our logo in the upper left corner to tell others about our Facebook page!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Caveat Lectores on Racing to the Bottom


A couple of weeks ago the Lector penned a Rant about Gotminegetyourownitis.

That’s the story of retirees who have made their pensions and now look to their younger peers with disdain because they feel secure and are willing to throw others under the bus if they think it will further their security.

Now, we have another element of society who wants to be heard. That faction includes those who do not have something (pensions), and openly want to soothe their envy by taking it away from those who do. These feelings are not new and are understandable. Would it be a better idea to look for ways to move up the ladder rather than try to soothe the pain of deprivation by dragging others down to the bottom rungs?

When the middle class and below attempt to move up the ladder, the uber-wealthy must feel the same way. Here is the difference: The uber-wealthy are devoted to creating a system that makes sure they will be wealthy no matter what happens to the economy. The plutocracy they seek will enable them to make sure to exclude anyone not worthy.

They will make sure they succeed by watching and encouraging what is left of the middle class consume themselves by fighting to get to the bottom of the class system created by the wealth they control.

And oh yes, have a nice Day?

Caveat Lectores by Jeff Carnes
Read at your own risk. 10,000+ Readers in 576 Cities, 46 States and 23 Countries

Lectores Labor Consulting 813-240-8165
Caveat Lectores on Facebook

Do the Lector a favor: If you like the stuff we post, share it on your Facebook profile by clicking the "Share" link under the item you like. Also, please use the "Suggest to Friends" link below our logo in the upper left corner to tell others about our Facebook page!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Caveat Lectores on Firefighter Values II


By far, the most often viewed Rant has been Caveat Lectores on Firefighter Values from March 2010. It is the #1 keyword used to find us on Google. I find that interesting and have not a clue why that term comes up so often in word searches.

Firefighters and all public employees are taking a whipping these days. They are frequently portrayed as lazy, overpaid underachievers who feed at the public trough to the detriment of the tax payer. Yet, they continue to answer the calls for help without question as to why. It is what they do even when the news media and too many right wing sycophant politicians threaten to destroy their future.

Firefighter values are what make them get on the truck in the middle of a snow storm or in a freezing rain to try to get somebody out of trouble usually caused by the one who needs the help.

Firefighter values are what cause them to work a code on a heart attack victim until exhaustion makes them collapse only to be replaced by another.

Firefighter values are why they enter a building with intense heat, smoke and flames around them looking for someone’s child.

Firefighter values are why they work through the tears when that child dies in their arms.

Firefighter values are the real reason why they do not go on strike when the public and the politicians spit in their eyes and call them unworthy of respect or a decent living.

A paycheck is what allows them to live while they follow their firefighter values. Few will do what a firefighter does just because of the money.

The current attempts by the right wing nut jobs to vilify public employees are a shameful effort by those without enough heart and soul to do the jobs they will not do themselves. There is a reason why they call public employees “civil servants.”

Don’t get me wrong, firefighters are not the only worthy servants of the public. All public employees deserve to be able to go to work without being persecuted. I was once a firefighter and am now a public university teacher, labor lawyer and consultant. One day I will admit to being a senior citizen who would like to have something remind me of my years of service than a kick in the teeth. There was never a day I was not proud to be a firefighter.

I willingly gave up my fire service career and pension to do something else I wanted to do. They are trying to take your pension and employment rights away from you.

There is a difference. Do not let them do it.

Know your enemies. Make them pay every day, in every way. Make some noise.
And oh yes, have a nice Day?


Caveat Lectores by Jeff Carnes

Read at your own risk. 10,000+ Readers in 576 Cities, 48 States and 43 Countries

Lectores Labor Consulting 813-240-8165
Caveat Lectores on Facebook
Do the Lector a favor: If you like the stuff we post, share it on your Facebook profile by clicking the "Share" link under the item you like. Also, please use the "Suggest to Friends" link below our logo in the upper left corner to tell others about our Facebook page!

Caveat Lectores’ Weekend for Tea Baggers at the Devil’s Neck


In order to show the Lector’s good will and commitment to diversity, Caveat Lectores announces the 1st Annual Tea Bagger Appreciation Weekend Getaway at the Devil’s Neck Convention Center.

I know. I know. It seems like the Lector has a mean spirited contempt for ignorant right wing nutjobs and tea baggers, but that is all just an act to stir the troops into action.

The Lector and the entire Caveat Lectores staff are just a frolicking bunch of good natured, heterosexual, conservative, white, home folks who take ignorance of government and the Constitution with a grain of table salt. We do not want to pay taxes or see our investment earning going to help others any more than the next right wing conservative nutjob.

We thought it would be a good idea to show our good faith by offering use of the Devil’s Neck Convention Center site as a love offering. Caveat Lectores and the DNCC will make no charge for property rental.

We do not want to interfere with the arrangements being made by the Koch brothers for other get togethers so we will wait a few weeks until they have fully done all they can do to interfere with democracy up north in Wisconsin and Ohio. If we offered to hold something in the dead of winter, I fear the sunny Florida weather would interfere with their plans. We will wait until August when the Florida weather will compete less. That way we can be sure that only real tea baggers will attend.

The Lector would like suggestions from the Caveat Lectores readers on what some of the weekend activities should be. Here are a couple ideas I and a few other Lectores supporters thought of right away.

• Political sign making contest to see who can come up with the most inane slogan.
• Cross construction lessons. Good for burning or worship.
• Reading classes for those who actually want to know what is in the Constitution.
• Seminar entitled: R U Smarter Then a Liberal??
• Sarah Palin look-alike contest for the evening entertainment.
• Seminar entitled: How to Ignore and Distort Research and Facts 101.
• Seminar entitled: Ms. Manners’ Class on Disrespectful Disagreement.
• Seminar entitled: Learning to Interfere with Groups Who HELP Others.

In order to assure our inclusive posture to allow anyone to become a Tea Bagger, we are foregoing the traditional "three tooth minimum."

More information to come ASAP or call 1-555-UBN-DUPD.

And oh yes, Have a nice Day?

Caveat Lectores by Jeff Carnes
Read at your own risk.

Over 10,000 Readers in 576 Cities, 48 States and 43 Countries

Lectores Labor Consulting 813-240-8165
Caveat Lectores on Facebook

Do the Lector a favor: If you like the stuff we post, share it on your Facebook profile by clicking the "Share" link under the item you like. Also, please use the "Suggest to Friends" link below our logo in the upper left corner to tell others about our Facebook page!