Saturday, January 15, 2011

Caveat Lectores on Ghost Writers


It seems that there has been a recent “outing” regarding the brains behind Sarah Palin’s online luster. The Anchorage Daily News reports that Rebecca Mansour is the “ghost writer in charge” of Palin’s brilliant Facebook comments, tweets and other online comments, maybe even her speeches and books.

So what else is new? Reagan had Deaver. Clinton had Carville. W. had Rove.
Maybe it is time for the Lector to admit that Dr. Hooby Boo is the brains behind Caveat Lectores.

OK. I cannot stand it anymore. Caveat Lectores has Dr. Hooby Boo. When we post a blog that is too vulgar, too left wing, too silly or too true, Dr, Hooby Boo is the author. He stole the Blogger password and will not give it back.

I just write the stuff that is important, interesting, insightful and worthwhile.

And oh yes, have a nice Day?


Caveat Lectores by Jeff Carnes
9300 Readers in 576 Cities, 46 States and 23 Countries
Read at your own risk.

Lectores Labor Consulting 813-240-8165

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