When the Lector heard that Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert teamed up to combine their Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, I knew Caveat Lectores had to make an effort to counter something that makes sense out of nonsense. There will be none of that at Caveat Lectores.
Caveat Lectores announces the House on Devil’s Neck and the Devil’s Neck International Convention Center will be open on October 30th to accommodate all those who could not attend the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.
Although the DNCC does not have a television for people to watch or a phone, we do have a lake with Alliburton Gator and lots of mosquitoes this time of year to keep everyone busy and active. DNCC calls this event the Rally to Restore Insanity. There is no thematic focus or cause to promote. With only three days before the elections, we all need some rest from anything worthwhile or stressful.
There will plenty of liquid beer-flavored refreshment and smokables as well as carbohydrate replenishment for those who get the munchies.
As you know, last week we announced the appointment of Roberto “Well Hung” Burnett as Executive Director of DNCC, but he never showed up for work. Dr. Hooby Boo has graciously returned and will be in charge of the festivities. He is pretty laid back these days, and this no agenda weekend is just what he needs to get back into harness. There will be no charge for the event but a required love offering of $250.00 per person to cover the cost of housing and feeding the masses is expected.
Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Opera Winfrey will wish they had thought up the Rally to Restore Insanity at the Devil’s Neck International Convention Center.
Call 1-800-UBDUPED for reservations. Cash Only!
And oh yes, have a nice Day?
Caveat Lectores by Jeff Carnes7500 Readers in 498 Cities, 46 States and 22 Countries
Read at your own risk.
Lectores Labor Consulting 813-240-8165
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Does your family suffer from insanity?
No, we enjoy it.
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