Monday, August 4, 2014

Leadership Through the Generations


Welcome to the 19th Annual

Leadership Through the Generations
Presented by:
William J. Carnes

Organization and coordination of the activities of an enterprise in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of clearly defined objectives.
Getting people to willingly do things they would not usually do on their own.

Leadership Through the Generations

Evolution of Leadership?

How Leadership Reflects Generational Differences?

Evolution of Management/Leadership

Sun Tzu: The Art of War,
6th century book by Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, earliest writings about management.

Frederick Winslow Taylor introduced Taylorism, a scientific management theory based upon developing standard methodology for performing job tasks. Believed that the task of decision making should be performed by management while workers should focus on completing their tasks.

Edwards Deming’s 14 Points on Total Quality Management,
Core concept on implementing total quality management, is a set of management practices to help companies increase their quality and productivity.

Peter Drucker proposed the Drucker Management Theory of focusing on objectives. Guru of modern management styles, and his theory remains very popular.
Employee motivation,
Communication, and
Clear objectives to be focused upon.
Generational Leadership Styles

G.I. Generation
Silent Generation
Baby Boomers
Next Generation??????

G.I. Generation
Great Depression and World War II:
Compassionate, caring, helping and ethical with a strong sense of nation and “we’re all in this together”; fearless, bold and visionary leaders; corporate presidents cared as much about the janitor in the basement as his vice-presidents in the executive suites; when America soared after WWII, it was the G. I. leadership era guiding the highest quality of life in American history.

Silent Generation
Dominatedby white men; Magnificent in the so-called helping professions, formative years—the 1930s into the early ‘60s—molded in them unique core values that would position them poorly for leadership; vulnerable to greed and, with it, corruption; less action-oriented and visionary; the American leadership crisis of the 1990s and 2000s will always rest squarely in the lap of the White Silent Male.

Baby Boomers
Formative years—the 1950s to the early 80’s Leadership era in 2011-2012; if Boomers do not now give America optimistic, bold, visionary, ethical and compassionate leadership, they will have fallen spectacularly on their faces; first generation whose leadership will be dual-gender and multi-ethnic, their generation’s leadership era will continue into the 2030s and perhaps beyond as modern medicine elongates our life expectancy and career passage.

Current age 30’s to late 40’s; X’ers possess core values that will enable them to give America brilliant IDEA leadership when they lead the nation from sometime in the 2030s into the 2050s; as they enter mid-management and some upper-management levels, they will struggle with PEOPLE leadership; struggling to understand and manage the younger Millennials and to gain the respect of older Boomer subordinates.

Early 20’s to 30, Mils are showing the promise of giving America the kind of leadership greatness that G. I.’s gave and Boomers should give; optimistic, ethical, compassionate, visionary and bold; but it is likely Millennials will profoundly alter the traditional leadership hierarchy; look for multiple CEO’s and virtual Boards of Directors and much more decision-by-consensus.

What to Do to Make Things Worse
Do nothing, unless nothing is what you should do
Become offensive
Whine a lot
Expect others to care about your problems
Fight unnecessary battles
Expect the legal system to save you

A Short Side Trip into Labor/Management Ethics
Some people think management ethics is an oxymoron; therefore, they think nothing should be considered unethical in their conduct as a labor leader.

A Short Side Trip into Labor/Management Ethics
Some people think union ethics is an oxymoron; therefore, they think nothing should be considered unethical in their conduct as a manager.

A Short Side Trip into Labor/Management Ethics
Types of unethical behavior:


A Short Side Trip into Labor/Management Ethics
The definition of ethical behavior in business often offered by texts is, “behavior that is consistent with the principles, norms and standards of business practice that have been agreed upon by society.”

A Short Side Trip into Labor/Management Ethics
Ethical awareness in ethical decision making is important because once a person becomes aware of certain ethical dimensions of a situation or decision, that person will engage in the ethical judgment processes.

A Short Side Trip into Labor/Management Ethics
From an ethical standpoint, a conflict of interest occurs when one’s judgment or objectivity is compromised. The appearance of a conflict of interest occurs when a third party could think that one’s judgment has been compromised.

A Short Side Trip into Labor/Management Ethics
an adversarial position is not unethical just because you do
not agree with it.

Eight steps to Sound Ethical Decision Making
Gather the facts
Define the ethical issues
Identify the affected stakeholders
Identify the consequences
Identify the obligations
Consider your character and integrity
Think creatively
Check your gut.

If the other side finds out, suspects or even wrongly concludes you are acting in an unethical fashion, your effectiveness is reduced to zero.

Negotiating Power:
Everyone wants to negotiate from a power standpoint.
Negotiating power is the capacity of the negotiator to influence the conduct of another.
Negotiating Power:
Negotiating power is relative between the parties, not relative to the outside world.
While perception is reality, they may be only as powerful as you think they are;
Negotiating power
Negotiating power will ebb and flow over time.

This type of power is fluid and changes with the situation;

Negotiating power
Negotiating power is always limited.
Unlimited power would overcome the need to negotiate;

Negotiating power
Negotiating power is real or apparent or both.
Appearances become reality;

Negotiating power

Exercise of negotiating power has both benefits and costs.
Power used is power consumed.
Learn to get what you want without flexing muscles;

Negotiating power
Negotiating power is enhanced by legal support, personal knowledge, skill, resources and hard work.
Preparation is essential;

Negotiating power
Negotiating power increases with the ability of either party to endure uncertainty, adversity and by commitment.
The “last man standing” concept has value but is costly;

Negotiating power
Negotiating power is enhanced by a good negotiating relationship.
You cannot negotiate unless you can communicate.
Wake up!

You cannot negotiate unless you communicate;

Negotiating power
Negotiating power depends on the perceived BATNA.
Both sides must recognize that the other side has a BATNA.

If not, there will be a collision with unpleasant consequences;
Negotiating power
Negotiating power exists only to the extent that it is accepted by the other party.

Presented by:
William J. Carnes